Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Faces in the Crowd - APD - Greg Danna

1.         How Long have you been with Farmers?                                  
            10 years
2.         In what departments/lines have you worked?               
3.         Tell me one thing about you that others don’t know.   
            My family owned and operated Danna Motor Co. in the Heights for nearly 60 yrs.
4.         Where did you go to college?                                       
            LSU and SWTSU
5.         Marital status and children.                                         
            Married to Phyllis. Been together for 25 yrs. 
      6.         What are your hobbies and talents?                             
                   Golf , Bay Fishing, working out at the Gym and playing the drums.
      7.         What are your favorite foods or drinks?                                    
                  Mexican Food!
      8.         What are your favorite books or movies?                                  
                  Any real classic movie.
      9.         What are some of your other jobs/careers?                    
                  Managed independent body shops for 25 yrs. Starting w/ my family's business.
      10.       What is your dream car or first car you ever owned?     
                  First car was '63 Chevy 2 door Impala
      11.       If you could have dinner with anyone in the world, living or dead, who would it be?    
                  My father. He died at age 51 when I was 20 yrs old.
      12.       What is your favorite vacation destination?                  
                  Great golf destinations like Myrtle Beach, San Diego, Phoenix , etc

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