Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Faces in the Crowd - APD - Glenn Musslewhite

  1. How long have you been with Farmers?                    12 years
  2. In what departments/lines have you worked?           APD
  3. Where did you go to college?                                        n/a
  4. Marital status and children.                                             Married w/ 2  boys
  5. What are your hobbies and talents?                             Hunting, Fishing and Family
  6. What are your favorite foods or drinks?                      Tx-Mex and Margaritas
  7. What are your favorite books or movies?                   Anything Action
  8. What are some of your other jobs/careers?              Body man, Painter, Worked in Collision industry 18 year prior.                               
  9. What is first car you ever owned?                                  First car -1964 VW Beetle, Restored myself with help 15 Years old. This is how I got into the Auto repair industry
  10. If you could have dinner with anyone in the world, living or dead, who would it be?      My Grandfather
  11. What is your favorite vacation destination?                Any Island with Blue water and White sand      

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