Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Faces in the Crowd - APD - Greg Danna

1.         How Long have you been with Farmers?                                  
            10 years
2.         In what departments/lines have you worked?               
3.         Tell me one thing about you that others don’t know.   
            My family owned and operated Danna Motor Co. in the Heights for nearly 60 yrs.
4.         Where did you go to college?                                       
            LSU and SWTSU
5.         Marital status and children.                                         
            Married to Phyllis. Been together for 25 yrs. 
      6.         What are your hobbies and talents?                             
                   Golf , Bay Fishing, working out at the Gym and playing the drums.
      7.         What are your favorite foods or drinks?                                    
                  Mexican Food!
      8.         What are your favorite books or movies?                                  
                  Any real classic movie.
      9.         What are some of your other jobs/careers?                    
                  Managed independent body shops for 25 yrs. Starting w/ my family's business.
      10.       What is your dream car or first car you ever owned?     
                  First car was '63 Chevy 2 door Impala
      11.       If you could have dinner with anyone in the world, living or dead, who would it be?    
                  My father. He died at age 51 when I was 20 yrs old.
      12.       What is your favorite vacation destination?                  
                  Great golf destinations like Myrtle Beach, San Diego, Phoenix , etc

Faces in the Crowd - APD - Glenn Musslewhite

  1. How long have you been with Farmers?                    12 years
  2. In what departments/lines have you worked?           APD
  3. Where did you go to college?                                        n/a
  4. Marital status and children.                                             Married w/ 2  boys
  5. What are your hobbies and talents?                             Hunting, Fishing and Family
  6. What are your favorite foods or drinks?                      Tx-Mex and Margaritas
  7. What are your favorite books or movies?                   Anything Action
  8. What are some of your other jobs/careers?              Body man, Painter, Worked in Collision industry 18 year prior.                               
  9. What is first car you ever owned?                                  First car -1964 VW Beetle, Restored myself with help 15 Years old. This is how I got into the Auto repair industry
  10. If you could have dinner with anyone in the world, living or dead, who would it be?      My Grandfather
  11. What is your favorite vacation destination?                Any Island with Blue water and White sand      

Faces in the Crowd - APD - Mitchell Collins

1.       How long have you been with Farmers?
            5 Yrs this month.  (where's my cake & ice cream?  Just kidding.)

2.       In what departments/lines have you worked?

3.       Tell me one thing about you that others don’t know.
            I am too honest sometimes and say the wrong thing.

4.       Where did you go to college?
            College of the Mainland , Madison Area Technical College.

5.       Marital status and children.
            Divorced with Meranda & Max and 3 x-stepdaughters that I keep in contact with. (Meranda's sisters)

6.       What are your hobbies and talents?
            Football, camping, fishing, still do car repairs at home and built a 2 story addition to my house.

7.       What are your favorite foods or drinks?
            Gyro's and mountain dew.

8.       What are your favorite books or movies? 
            Mad Max movies.

9.       What are some of your other jobs/careers?
            911/Police, Fire & EMS dispatcher, ASE certified Mechanic for 14 years.

10.   What is your dream car or first car you ever owned?
            1st car  - 1972 Gremlin,   Dream car - 1969 AMX.

11.   If you could have dinner with anyone in the world, living or dead, who would it be?
            Brett Farve

12.   What is your favorite vacation destination?
            Lake Tahoe in winter @ NorthStar and Cancun.

Faces in the Crowd - Nikki Garbett

1.       Tell me one thing about you that others don’t know. If I tell you, I’d have to kill you.
2.       Where did you go to college?  Lamar University, Beaumont TX
3.       Marital status and children. Single, no kids
4.       What are your hobbies and talents? Reading, Music (love going to live shows), wandering the earth
5.       What are your favorite books or movies? I love classic literature and world literature- no favorite books b/c there are too many to choose from… Movies, hmm.. hard to pick just one.. I love independent films- but I’m willing to see anything once.
6.       What are some of your other jobs/careers?  I have a colorful career past: APD in Austin before here, worked in a Law Office for a State Rep as an Escrow Assistant, daycare, 6 years in retail (Hot Topic), catering…. I even bagged groceries and worked in a Donut shop for about a month way back in the day (going to work at 3:45 am was no fun and didn’t last long)
7.       If you could have dinner with anyone in the world, living or dead, who would it be?  Hmmm… have to think about that one.
8.       What is your favorite vacation destination? Literally- anywhere but here… I have a fascination with Latin America though (Spanish major and spending 6 weeks in Mexico City back in college is probably the source of this bias).  I will hike the Incan Trail to Machu Picchu before I die.  Greece, Spain, Chile, the Grand Canyon (out of place, I know), and a few others are on the list as well.  However, I am also content with just hanging with friends and having some laughs in any random location.
9.       Yes- My full name is Rebecca Nicole Garbett and I go by Nikki- I’m Nikki in CRN, Rebecca on sametime and email.  It’s confusing for others- I know.  There’s always the infamous “Red” if you can’t remember my name- I’ll answer to that too.
10.   And I hate the picture that is going with this- for the record.

Faces in the Crowd - Scott Sockwell

Tell me one thing about you that others don’t know.    One time I let my little girls paint my nails.  I forgot about it and went to the gym and work the next day with them painted.  It got some funny comments (that can’t be repeated here).

Where did you go to college?   Lamar University, Beaumont TX.  Go Cards!

Marital status and children.   Married for 15 years.  Two girls.  9 year old Karis; 4 year old Sophia.  Both names are Greek derivatives, meaning Grace & Wisdom, respectively.

What are your hobbies and talents?   Reading, Football, Sci Fi shows, Teaching at church.

What are your favorite books or movies?
Books – The Bible, Bible study topics, Tolkein’s Lord of the Rings series, Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time series.
Movies – Star Wars, of course!    TV - The Office, Seinfeld, Survivor

What are some of your other jobs/careers?  I painted and mowed at a pipeline for 6 consecutive summers going through high school and college.  My first job was at The Gap.  I managed a small rapid income tax service right out of college.  I’ve worked in claims since 1993.

What is your dream car or first car you ever owned?   First Car - 1964 Ford pickup with no A/C.  I blew 2 engines in it.  Dream Car – For many years it was a Porsche 959.  Nowadays, any Maserati would do.

If you could have dinner with anyone in the world, living or dead, who would it be?    Martin Luther.

What is your favorite vacation destination?   Belize, Central America.

Employee of the Month for October 2010

Hilda Olalde