Tell me one thing about you that others don’t know. I used to dance classical ballet.
Where did you go to college? University of Houston
Marital status and children? Married with three wonderful girls ages 6, 3 and 11 months.
What are your hobbies and talents? Hobbies include bicycling, basketball and a little bit of martial arts. Talents include playing violin and viola.
What are your favorite foods or drinks? Favorite foods are Mexican, Asian and Indian. Favorite drinks are Water, Tea, Crown Royal, Tequila and Cabernet. No order in particular.
What are your favorite books or movies? Favorite books are Moby Dick and The Three Musketeer’s. Favorite movies are Pulp Fiction, Sin-City, Full Metal Jacket, Black Hawk Down and 300.
What are some of your other jobs/careers? Sacker/Stocker, Painter, Hair Stylist, Retail Sales, Hotel guest services and Police Officer.
What is your dream car or first car you ever owned? Dream Car is a Red Corvette Convertible, 1958 - 1967
If you could have dinner with anyone in the world, living or dead, who would it be? Jesus Christ
What is your favorite vacation destination? Cancun Mexico
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