Friday, May 20, 2011

Baby Girl for the Bartons

Madison Nicole Barton
5 lbs 13 oz

Faces in the Crowd - Joe Flores

1.     Tell me one thing about you that others don’t know.
That I was accepted into The University of Texas at Austin before the beginning of my senior year in high school.

2.     Where did you go to college?
UT, University of Houston, and Stephen F. Austin State University.

3.     Marital status and children.
Married for 12 years to my wonderful wife Erica; daughter Elyssa 11 years old, and son Zachary 7 years old.

4.     What are your hobbies and talents?
Hobbies - golf, coin collecting, raising my kids.
Talents - youth girls basketball coach; according to my wife, I have a knack in retaining useless knowledge so I am waiting for Jeopardy to call.

5.     What are your favorite foods or drinks?
Good BBQ, a nice well done steak, and buffalo wings (not all at once), and a cold beer to wash it down.

6.     What are your favorite books or movies?
Books: “Leadership” by Rudy Giuliani, “All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten” by Robert Fulghum, “Harvey Penick’s Little Red Book” by Harvey Penick.
Movies: too many to list, but if it’s on I have to watch Caddyshack, Animal House, the original Willy Wonka, Army of Darkness, any of the Back to the Futures, The Goonies, The Matrix, Terminator 2, and The Sweetest Thing (really).

7.     What are some of your other jobs/careers?
Worked for the McDonald’s Corporation during high school and college, a sporting goods store after I graduated college for 6 months, and Farmers ever since.

8.     What is your dream car or first car you ever owned?
The first car that I ever owned was a 1998 Ford Ranger Splash. My dream car is a 2011 Chevrolet Camaro Convertible, and I don’t like Chevrolets.

9.     If you could have dinner with anyone in the world, living or dead, who would it be?
My dad, so I could ask him where he buried his treasure. But seriously, so I could ask him the questions I didn’t get a chance to ask him prior to his passing.

10. What is your favorite vacation destination?
Every year my wife’s family goes down to Rockport, Texas in August for my father-in-law’s birthday for some fishing, boating, swimming, relaxing, and just spending time together. Doesn’t get any better than that.